Due to DCLog Express hardware design, CentOS version 7.8 or above will not boot-up successfully. To boot-up normally, older kernel (7.2 & 7.6) need to be selected during boot-up process.
After CentOS update, system will automatically select latest kernel during boot-up process (1st Line). This will cause the OS boot-up unsuccessful.
With this patch, it will enables the older kernel by automatically select the older kernel during boot-up process.
1. Download the config file default_boot_kernel.sh.
2. Login as root, copy the file to 'Other Locations > Computer > Home'
3. Open Terminal, change directory to Home
cd /home
4. Run command below to execute config
sh default_boot_kernel.sh
5. Command will be executed and system will auto reboot. If there is no latest kernel detected in the OS, system will stop the process.
6. After reboot, older kernel will be automatically selected during boot-up process.
7. Login as dcuser and make sure Kiosk Mode is working. If not, reinstall the Kiosk Mode for 7.6
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