Reinstall Google Chrome (Must Do)
- Login as ‘root’
- Open terminal, input command “yum remove google-chrome”, press enter.
- Enter ‘Y’. Google Chrome successfully installed
- Go to Chromkiosk patch folder and look for Google Chrome Installer.
- Open new terminal, input command “yum install “and drag the google chrome installer into terminal. Press Enter.
- Enter ‘Y’ and press Enter. Wait and Google Chrome will be installed.
- Google Chrome is installed
Chromekiosk Installer
- Login as ‘root’
- Copy ‘Chromekiosk’ folder into path /u01/app/
- Open terminal and cd to path /u01/app/Chromekiosk
- Input command > sh > Enter
- Open new terminal, cd to path /home/dcuser/.config
- Input command mkdir autostart
- Navigate to folder /home/dcuser, enable “Show Hidden File”
- .config folder will appear. Copy “” into “.config/autostart folder”.
- Change permission to 664 using the command below.
chmod -R 664 /home/dcuser/.config/autostart/
Set auto login for ‘dcuser’
- Login as ‘dcuser’
- Go to Applications > System Tools > Settings > Details > Users
- Select ‘dcuser’, click ‘Unlock’ and enter root password on the popup. “DupliCALL1234”
- Toggle Automatic Login to ON.
To verify:
- Open terminal, input command “systemctl restart gdm.service” or switch user.