Reinstall Google Chrome (Must Do)

  1. Login as ‘root’
  2. Open terminal, input command “yum remove google-chrome”, press enter.



  1. Enter ‘Y’. Google Chrome successfully installed



  1. Go to Chromkiosk patch folder and look for Google Chrome Installer.



  1. Open new terminal, input command “yum install “and drag the google chrome installer into terminal. Press Enter.




  1. Enter ‘Y’ and press Enter. Wait and Google Chrome will be installed.



  1. Google Chrome is installed



Chromekiosk Installer

  1. Login as ‘root’
  2. Copy ‘Chromekiosk’ folder into path /u01/app/


Graphical user interface

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  1. Open terminal and cd to path /u01/app/Chromekiosk


Graphical user interface, application, Word

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  1. Input command > sh > Enter


Graphical user interface, application

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  1. Open new terminal, cd to path /home/dcuser/.config


Graphical user interface, application

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  1. Input command mkdir autostart


Graphical user interface, text, application

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  1. Navigate to folder /home/dcuser, enable “Show Hidden File”



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  1. .config folder will appear. Copy “” into “.config/autostart folder”.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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  1. Change permission to 664 using the command below.


chmod -R 664 /home/dcuser/.config/autostart/


Set auto login for ‘dcuser’

  1. Login as ‘dcuser’
  2. Go to Applications > System Tools > Settings > Details > Users



  1. Select ‘dcuser’, click ‘Unlock’ and enter root password on the popup. “DupliCALL1234”




  1. Toggle Automatic Login to ON.  


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated




To verify:


  1. Open terminal, input command “systemctl restart gdm.service” or switch user.