Bug Fix

  • Fix user playback call action is not capture in Linux version
  • Fix user download/exported call action is not capture in Linux version


  1. Stop tomcat service. systemctl stop tomcat
  2. Navigate to /u01/app/tomcat/webapps/, backup "dclog.war" to your laptop, then delete "dclog.war".
  3. Navigate to /u01/app/tomcat/webapps/dclog/WEB-INF/classes/com/duplicall/dclog/web/controller, backup these 2 files. "CallController$CalendarComparator.class & CallController.class". Then delete these 2 files.
  4. Replace the patch files "CallController$CalendarComparator.class & CallController.class", and set the permission to 777.
    • chmod -R 777 CallController$CalendarComparator.class
    • chmod -R 777 CallController.class
  5. Start tomcat service. systemctl start tomcat
  6. Login as supervisor, test playback call. Check audit trail for the playback history.