This guide can be apply to all DCLog Express for Analog recording with Synway Recording Card.


  • DCLog Express Installer
  • Synway Card is installed in the server
  • CentOS has been installed on server

  1. Login to Server using Root credential
  2. Connect WinSCP or other FTP Client to the server
  3. Copy the installer files and replace them under path </root>.
    • var folder replace it under </root>
    • usr folder replace under </root>
    • u01 folder replace under </root>
    • etc folder replace under </root>
    • copy all items from home folder to </root/home>
    • copy '' & '' file into </root/home>  and change permission to '777'.
  4. Open terminal, and login as root.
  5. Enter command 'cd /home', then Enter.
  6. Enter command './', then Enter.
  7. Select RAID. 1 for RAID, 2 for No RAID (select option 2 for Maybank)
  8. Installation started.
  9. In Oracle database installation, hit Enter when [8080] displayed.
  10. Hit Enter again when [1521] displayed.
  11. Next, Set Oracle database password as duplicall
  12. Press Y and Enter. Installing database.
  13. Database will ask for username and password
    • Username: system
    • Password: duplicall
  14. Finally in SQL>, type exit to exit database installation. Installation completed.
  15. Next, Synway driver will be installed.
  16. Under ShConfig.ini prompt, 'Are you sure you want to default it?', Type Yes then Enter.
  17. Synway driver will be installed.
  18. Install google chrome.
    • Without Network (rpm -ivh google-chrome-stable_current7_x86_64.rpm)
    • With network (yum -y localinstall /home/google-chrome-stable_current7_x86_64.rpm)