Brasero Installation (Alternative)
If you are facing issue when installing Brasero from , you can try on the alternative method.
- Blank DVD
- DVD Drive
- Brasero Software
- Download Brasero, and placed it in Downloads folder.
- Double-click the installer to run the installer.
- Click on 'Install' to install Brasero
- Brasero will now installed. Wait until the installation finished. Button will turn to Red after completed installation. Now you can proceed with the DVD Backup.
DVD Backup
- Connect your DVD drive & insert blank DVD.
- Run Brasero from the Applications > Sound & Video menu.
- In Brasero, go to Edit > Plugin to open setting.
- Make sure these 2 options are uncheck.
- Select Data Project
- Click Add to start adding Media for backup
- Navigate to DCLog Media Path /var/dcloge/media/000
- Select file to be backup. Multiple selection by pressing CTRL. Click Add to add into backup list.
- Brasero will auto calculate the Total Media Size after added into the list. Please make sure the total size is not exceeded DVD size, which is 4.7GB. Click Burn to start backup the media into DVD.
- Use default setting on the Burn option. Click Burn to proceed.
- Burning In Progress
- DVD will be auto-ejected after backup completed. Change new blank DVD to backup more media.
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